I probably know the answer to this question, but need proper guidance.
I have given GMAT 3 times in the past 4 months and here is my breakdown :
GMAT Quant Verbal CR RC SC
1st 650 48 32 57 76 50
2nd 640 49 28 33 22 81
3rd 670 50 31 66 29 85
I have cancelled my score all three times because I have decided that I need to cross 700.
Please give me a strategy to go past 38 in Verbal. I am sure that I can get 49 in Quant again, but please tell me a way to go past 38 on Verbal.
Here are my GMAT PREP Scores
1) GMAT PREP 1 730(Q 49, V40)
2) GMAT PREP 2 710(Q 50 , V35)
3) GMAT PREP 3 680(Q 48, V35)
4) GMAT PREP 4 750 (Q 49, V42)
5) GMAT PREP 5 700 (Q 49 , V35)
6) GMAT PREP 6 700 (Q 49 , V35).
This is getting really frustrating now and I do not want to restart everything again.
I am not sure why my GMAT Prep scores so far away from my GMAt scores.
I have taken all my GMAT prep exams with AWA and IR and without any breaks.
The only difference has been the computer and the location.
I guess/know I need to focus more on CR and RC , but I am not sure now what I should do to increase my score in CR and RC.
I am planning to retake in next 1.5 months, so please tell me what I should do to cross this barrier.
I do not feel like opening
Official Guide again as I have already done those questions more than 3 times. I probably will reattempt the GMAT Prep tests, but this time I want to attempt them with a solid strategy.
This is now more about proving myself than getting admission into a college.
Any help will be really appreciated. Please do not advice me to accept anything below 700 as I will not do it. It is now more about proving myself than anybody else.
Resources Used :
Magoosh Question Bank
2) GMAT Club Quant Tests
3) Veritas Question Bank and Tests
4) Official Guides and Supplements
5) Powerscore CR Bible
eGMAT Sentence Correction
Magoosh Sentence Correction Course
PS : I have also attached my ESR for my past 3 attempts.
File comment: ESr3
3rd.pdf [425.11 KiB]
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File comment: ESR 2
2nd.pdf [429.17 KiB]
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File comment: ESr 1
1st.pdf [424.2 KiB]
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