I'd very much appreciate if I could get an answer from someone who suffered from this problem (as explained below) and nailed it.
I have realized that my score is very much dependent on how clearly I am thinking. There are days I have scored 740 on GMATprep without feeling anything, and there are days when I have scored barely a 710 and it has left me all bruised.
When I review my errors with a fresh mind, I am able to get the question right without much effort, leaving myself wondering why the heck did I get it wrong in the first place. There is simply no take-away based on which I can optimize my score. It ultimately boils down to whether my "brain battery" is charged.
This may not be the best way to frame the issue, but I hope I conveyed my point.
Could anyone please share any tips, or guide me to a thread which addressed this issue?
Any help is appreciated.
This happens to me. what you can do:
Everyday: Sit with calm mind, close your eyes and just breath. You'll get better at this, if you do it regularly. This is the practice that helps us FOCUS. Do not try those too much tehnique oriented processes, just do it simply as i said.
While giving the test: Whenever i get to read a dense passage, my mind while reading go somewhere - call it lack of focus. Whenever the language is tough to comprehend be it RC,CR or even DS , i panic and that takes the focus away - complete waste of time. So what to do? - "Close your eyes, without any pressure, and take few breaths and gently open them and re-focus. Are you thinking it waste of time? It is too less of waste than completely bombarding the CAT everytime.
If you do it always then probably you will become so good at it that on the D-Day, you wont have to even think of doing it. the CAT would be just breeze as far as mindfulness is concerned.
Last but not the least - "Every day sit silently with eyes closed for a minute and tell yourself that yeah i am going to get the awesome GMAT Score. Also say it before sleeping". - How does it help? Well it's a way to have a healthy subconscious mind.
Those who have fear in the subconscious, the same manifests itself in reality. So tell yourself that you dont fear and then you will be a warrior.
Your fellow GMAT Aspirant and competitor :D