I took my first official exam several days ago with not satisfactory score 660 (Q49, V32, IR6). My goal is 700+.
I had 7 minutes in the end of Quant section. I rushed to end Verbal part. I picked the answer for the last question, but not pushed Submit. But in ESR I can see that I finished 41 questions.
In the day of test I jittered very much, then I calmed down, but before Verbal I started again. I ate banana between section, but at home I never did it (never ate, but drink during sections).
I studied till April 2016 with Manhatten books, but without practice and not regularly. In April 2016 I started
e-Gmat and practise tests. I studied for 4 months quite hard (as it possible with long hours).
But the last month or something like that I concentrated on Math part without repetition of Verbal part. I had not enought time to repeat anything before the test, I hardly ended theoretical part. I didn't have enought time to study IR part.
My scores on simulation tests:
Official GMAT pack 1 - 490 (V19, Q - don't remember) in 2014. My first attempt, I even couldn't translate all terms (geometry, for example). I am not native speaker.
Then I reinstalled program and did pack 1 again.
Manhattan GMAT - 590 (Q44, V29, IR 3.17) - april 2016. I finished all manhatten books, but have no practice.
CAT 2 Manh - 640 (Q42, V35, IR 3.94) - july 2016
Off GMAT pack 1 - 710 (Q49, V36, IR 5) - Aug 8 2016. My break before Verbal part was 3-4 minutes longer. First time I didn't rush to the end Verbal section, I had 2-3 minutes in the end. Quant I think too. I didn't remember questions from 2014, so it was new for me.
CAT 3 - 600 (Q39, V 34, IR 1.63) - Aug 20 2016. But in that day I had headache and was not really prepared for long test.
Off GMAT pack 2 - 650 (Q48, V32, IR5) - Aug 21 2016. IR part was the same as of pack 1. I had 9-10 minutes in the end in Quant section.
I took always the entire test with IR and AWA at home. My table at home looks like table in test center (not 100%, but feelings were more or less the same).
I took tests always in different time, but in the mornings. My real exam was at 12 pm.
My percentile for CR was 98th, I didn't expected, but was 50 for SC and 47 for RC (unexpected low). I think CR is a chance only. My first set of questions was right only in 50%, even for last it is 63%. But in the last section I guessed for last 3-4 due to shortage of time.
For Quant score for algebra and geometry was higher than for arithmetic.
I saw 2 or 3 questions on quant that I couldn't answer.
See my ESR in attachment.
Please, advise me on what part I could concentrate to improve my score in 2-3 weeks, I don't have time, because I want to jump in the second round in this year (class 2017). What will be more "profitable" - to try to improve quant to 50 or 51 or improve Verbal part?
You certainly need to work on Verbal. Practice RC passages everyday but work especially hard on SC. That will give you maximum return.