iamsakim – I am a current GMAT student and I would recommend
Quant ReasoningThere are MANY resources out there but I think
Quant Reasoning DOES stand out because
(i) The GMAT, you will see is paradoxically
NOT about theory. In fact, the less theory you apply, the better your score strangely. Its about logic - Sure everyone needs to have some basic quant and verbal knowledge but all of us have learnt it if you graduated from high school and graduated from college/ university
(ii) Quantreasoning.com explains concepts - You can check out any chapter of Avi’s book and see for yourself. For example - did you know, an absolute value is something that is very VISUAL and can be plotted on a number line ?
Avi's Book(iii) All material in the book is supplemented with video solutions
(iv) A very active forum is available where you can post doubts and you can expect a turn-around response in less than 24 hours (in some case, as fast as an hour)
(v) We have weekly ask-me-anything where you can submit your questions and Avi can take them up
(vi) You can see for yourself how Avi Gutman goes about his teaching here if you want a sneak preview -
channel here There is VERY LITTLE theory and more about concept / visualization. This is not something OTHER test prep companies do.
(vii) Feel free to come check out the weekly AMA’s