Hi akanksha2508,
Pushing your Test Date back to November 5th would give you about 2 months of total study time, which might be enough study time (if you're efficient about how you use that time).
Given your recent Official Score, you're going to have to make some significant improvements to how you handle BOTH the Quant and Verbal sections. You would likely find it more beneficial to do a 'mix' of Quant and Verbal studying each week with practice CATs spaced at regular intervals throughout (than taking an "all Quant, then all Verbal" approach). Based on everything that you’ve described, I think that you would find the EMPOWERgmat Total Score Booster to be quite helpful. Most of our clients complete that Study Plan in well under 2 months, so the time commitment would fit that 2 month schedule. We have a variety of free resources on our site (
www.empowergmat.com), so you can 'test out' the Course before setting up an Account.
If you have any additional questions, then you can feel free to contact me directly.
GMAT assassins aren't born, they're made,