My goal is to get into a top 10 business school and I just wrapped up my first in UG. Furthermore, I'll probably want to do a deferred admissions program.
I go to a top 3 school in EECS (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science). My school is notorious for grade deflation (average GPA for my major is a 2.9). I've had a decent first year and received a 3.62 GPA and I'm working to get that to a 3.7 at the very least. My goal next summer is to get an internship for some software engineering position in the SV.
I've been pretty involved in ECs. I work for my school government's CTO by working on an official mobile app for my university. I am also going to be the head of an industrial relations committee (we are in charge of hosting infosessions/recruitment events at our campus) next semester. I also might be involved in research next semester as well.
My question is, am I on the right track? Is there more I can do? I've been wanting to join a consulting club in my university but since they're very selective, I wasn't able to get in last year, but I am going to try again next semester. Thank you.
Are you kidding me.
It is too damn early.
This is supposed to be the best time of your life and you are already concerned about making it to a B-school.
Just maintain your GPA and do not forget to have tons of FUN.
The rest will fall in place.
I just wanted to clarify I'm interested in deferred admissions, so 2+2, yale silver scholars, etc. and I know these are uber competitive. So I don't think I'm thinking too ahead of myself, am I? I am going to apply to these things in a couple years right? Don't get me wrong, I'm having a ton of fun in college and I understand it's a bit early, but I don't want to close any doors/ do anything that I could've done earlier during UG that I couldn't do later, but thank you for the advice. I'm definitely focusing on getting my GPA higher/maintaining it.