Hi everyone,
I agree this is the most comprehensive info I've seen currently- but I disagree that the info is outdated- if anything the arms race for getting talent is intensifying and so all the schools listing fellowships are likely to have only increased. And you don't need to know the specifics- just that they have money available. The way to get this money is to be tops in the admit pool so look at the stats for the schools you target: Duke, UCLA, CMU, UNC and honestly assess if you are above.
I have a long background from UNC so I will use that as an example for you- If the avg GMAT is hovering around 700 and change, then you will need to be significantly above this - depending on your pool- to catch the attention of the program, same for your work experience- do you bring a brand name employer, contacts on the west coast to trendy tech employers? Something... you need something a bit more interesting than the avg accountant or IT professional. And you need to have at least 4 yrs but not so much that you become a recruiting liability-- which happens somewhere after yr 8 post undergrad. Also assess if you have something unique in terms of contributions to community? And if you present with a compelling story and have the stats to match, you may be in scholarship range- I'd focus on what I can control- which is working on answers to the above... and not worrying too much about getting the very latest scholarship data as ultimately you need to spend time to present yourself in best light.
Was searching on the web and the best link I can find regarding MBA scholarship at top business schools is from poetsandquants:
https://poetsandquants.com/2014/11/20/mb ... schools/2/However the information dated back to 2014 and certainly has been outdated.
Now may I know if you have any guidance on the top MBA that offers good scholarship (I was thinking maybe the easiest way will be to compare the total scholarship fund of each school).
I am particularly interested in Duke, UCLA, CMU, UNC hence will be grateful if I may receive scholarship information of these schools.
Thank you!