Much work performed by small business owners, like managing human relations, keeping track of accounts, and paying taxes, which are essential to its successful operation, have gone virtually unnoticed by their employees.
(A) which are essential to its successful operation, have gone virtually unnoticed by their employees.
(B) which are essential to successful operations, have gone virtually unnoticed by their employees.
(C) which is essential to its successful operation, have gone virtually unnoticed by its employees.
(D) which are essential to successful operation, has gone virtually unnoticed by their employees.
(E) which are essential to successful operation, has gone virtually unnoticed by its employees.
The underlined portion contains several agreement errors, and your job is to locate and fix all of them. To accomplish this task, isolate the three main elements of this sentence:
» The subject is
work. None of the other nouns or pronouns or noun phrases in the sentence can be the main subject because they’re all either objects (owners, managing, keeping, paying, relations, accounts, taxes, operation, employees) or subjects of dependent clauses (which).
» The main verb is
have gone. The other verb (are) belongs to the dependent clause, so it can’t be the main verb.
» The third element is
So the essential sentence states that
work have gone unnoticed. Well, that doesn’t sound right! You know you have to change the verb to the singular has to make it agree with the singular subject
work. Eliminate any answer choices that don’t change
have to
has, which leaves you with Choices (D) and (E).
You’ll notice that both Choice (D) and Choice (E) contain the verb are. So the pronoun which must refer back to managing, keeping, and paying (which, together, are plural), so the verb that corresponds to which has to be plural, too. Also, both choices eliminate its before successful operation because it’s unclear what its refers to.
The difference between the two choices is that Choice (E) changes their to its. Ask yourself which noun the pronoun before employees refers to. Who or what has the employees? The only possibility is business owners, which is a plural noun. So the pronoun that refers to it must also be plural. Their is plural; its is singular. Therefore, Choice (D) is the best answer: Much work performed by small business owners, like managing human relations, keeping track of accounts, and paying taxes, which are essential to successful operation, has gone virtually unnoticed by their employees.