I have been preparing for GMAT from last 3-4 months and used materials from GMATClub, Veritas, Manhatten,
Magoosh etc. I prepared my exam strategy during reading the test material. Later I improvised them based on my experience during mock exam. I was scoring in the range of 660-690. Then for a final check, I wrote GMATPrep and scored 720. That was the signal that I was ready for my GMAT experience. I scheduled my exam and then continued to prepare for it.
I followed below study pattern before my exam
2 Weeks before scheduled exam Write at least 2 full length Mock test
Review Mock exam result
Learn from your mistakes
1 Week before scheduled examWrite at least 1 full length Mock test
Review Mock exam result
Learn from your mistakes
Study notes from previous preparation
1 day before scheduled examStudy notes from previous preparation
Stay Relaxed
Exam day I reached 45 mins before the scheduled time. I had scheduled it for 2pm so that I dont have to worry about getting early in the morning. I had good 8-9 hours sleep. I had light breakfast at 8.30 am and later light lunch at 12.30pm. I stayed as much relaxed as possible. In between I had quick glance at my important notes.
The registration process like hand print, e-signature etc were quite simple. I was handed 5-6 markers and GMAT notepad. I was taken to my desk and exam assistant logged in and started my exam page. I verified my personal details and read all instructions. I also selected 5 programs of my choice. And then it began.
First came AWA. I was well prepared. I read the argument and prepared my notes in the computer notepad itself. After 5 mins, I started to write the essay and stopped when 7 mins were left. I proof read it and submitted my essay. As my notes were on the computer notepad itself, I didnt have to take my eyes off the computer.
Then came IR. I read and got stuck at 1st question. Later I recovered and answered few questions and skipped 1 question in between. Overall I finished 1-2 minutes before the defined 30 mins.
Then it was time for break. I highly recommend taking the break. During the break, I relaxed myself and never thought about what I did but only focused on what to do in Quant.
After the break, the quant section started and I started answering questions and kept on moving. I had set 3 mental break (at the interval of 25 mins) to check my speed. If I am around question 12 or above then I am well on target. If below, then I need to rush. Fortunately in all 3 mental break, I had completed 12 or more questions. I submitted the final answer and was happy to take the next break.
Then it was time for final break. I highly recommend taking the break. Again, I relaxed myself and never thought about what I did but only focused on what to do in Verbal.
After the break, the verbal section started and I started reading and answering questions. Again, I had set 3 mental break (at the interval of 25 mins) to check my speed. If I am around question 14 or above then I am well on target. If below, then I need to rush. Between 2 and 3 mental break, I was lagging. I had to rush to complete the remaining questions. I had to read and answer questions faster than I had anticipated. Somehow I managed to finsh on time to avoid penalty.
ScoreThen came my score which I was partially happy to see. Q48, V38 (Overall 700), AWA 5.5 (from official score, 7 days later) and IR3
Please share your questions and I will be happy to help.