Hello guys,
I am relatively new to GMATclub, and i need some help.
I am planning to give GMAT in the first week of March and i intend to apply to MiM for an intake of Fall 2020.
Background - 1.2 years of work experience from a top IT firm. I have been an above average student throughout until my 12th grade, where some family problems created a huge set back and i couldn't perform. Due to which i have a year back too. But i managed to improve my CGPA from 5.05 to 9.30. I have participated, won and many debate and elocution competitions, organized college fests and have been the school president for 2 consecutive years.
I have no international experience and i feel my background is quite flat. Being over-ambitious, that i am, i plan to apply to at least 3 top MiM colleges, including INSEAD and HEC.
I have just recently started preparing, before preparation my mock score was 260 and after preparation of about a week and a half, my scores increased to 620.
In the next 3 months, i hope to score around 710-730.
Do you think i am missing the point and being too ambitious? Or are there people who have had an normal background and still managed to get in the Top B-schools?
Also, is MiM worth it?