actually i wasn't able to find a place where I could place my question so I am asking here..
It may appear silly..but I have been having this doubt for a while...
Which of the following,if true most supports the argument?
This is the common question stem which we encounter for both the strengthen and Must be true questions
How will we get to know that whether we can Strengthen the question by using outside information(way to strengthen the questions)
we have to to select that option which can be best paraphrased from the answer choices??(way to solve must be true questions)
This is an interesting question! I think that by 'must be true' you're referring to 'Draw a Conclusion' or 'Inference' problems, right? These are problems where you need to pick something that's true
based on the information in the argument. You do have to be careful to tell the difference between these questions, and Strengthen questions. But here are some clues.
Strengthen question stems will say that the right answer
supports or
strengthens the argument. Draw a Conclusion question stems will say that the right answer
is supported by the argument. That is, in Strengthen questions, the logic should go like this:
right answer choice is true -> conclusion of the argument is probably true
but in Draw a Conclusion problems, the logic goes like this:
everything in the argument is true -> right answer choice must be true
In a way, they're opposites.
Also, a Strengthen argument will always have a conclusion already. That's what you're trying to strengthen. A Draw a Conclusion argument might not already have its own conclusion.