Hello, and thanks for reaching out! You have a really strong profile overall. Strong academics, plus the time spent at other top universities. The MBB experience, with promotion and international exposure especially is very attractive. And the fact that you are sponsored will help too. So overall, I see no issues or concerns -- I think your focus should be getting that target GMAT score, researching / engaging with your target schools, and then executing very polished essays. You definitely have the credentials to be targeting top 10 programs.
Best of luck!
Age 25
- Public High School
- Top Public University. Economics - Top 2.5% of my class.
* 1 semester spent at top U.S. school (H/S/W)
* 1 summer spent at top Finnish school
* Award: "top 100" undergrad students in Spain
- GMAT: targeting ~750
Work Experience:
- 0.5 years at small consulting boutique in Spain (internship)
- 3 years at MBB by the time of matriculation
* Casework in multiple countries (Spain, France, Australia, Colombia...)
* x1 promotion
* Strong LOR's
- 3 social consulting projects before MBB in association with universities I studied at (one in Finland, one in Colombia, one in Barcelona)
- Lived in Spain, Australia (6 months), U.S. (5 months), Finland (3 months), Colombia (3 months), Indonesia (3 months)
- Traveled to ~40 countries.
- Fluent/native in three languages
Post MBA:
Back to Consulting (sponsored)
Harvard, Stanford, Wharton + Laude, Haas, INSEAD