Hi there!
Well, there's always some chance you can get an interview
so I can't rule it out completely. Well actually Kellogg interviews everyone, so you'd definitely get one there! But the reality is that you're looking at super competitive schools, and both your GMAT and GPA are below average. I'm especially concerned about your Quant score and many of the schools on your list have a pretty heavy Quant focus.
How many times have you taken the GMAT? Have you taken a GRE practice test to see how you fare? I think it's worth either studying more & retaking the GMAT, or switching things up and going for the GRE. You can wait til Round 2, and your application will be much improved with a higher score. Unless you want to adjust your list of schools.
Hope this helps, and keep us posted with any further questions!
26 yo female (Asian)
5 years of work experience at time of matriculation
Undergrad GPA:3.37 from top 20 private school (studied business)
Career: Human capital + analytics + M&A consulting
Company doesnt sponsor (not sure if this makes a difference)
2 promotions in 4 years (early promotion this year - managing 2-3 people)
GMAT: 690 (Q42 V41)
ECs: Volunteer/mentor organizational involvement; Undergrad leadership positions
Post MBA goal - return to consulting
What are my chances right now for:
1) Wharton
2) Sloan
3) Booth
4) Kellogg
I understand that my gmat score is below the mean for these schools - is there any chance I can get an interview with my score as is? I am considering taking the GRE as well but not sure i have enough time before the deadline.
Thank you!