Thank you for taking out time to review my situation
Fully agreed that I shouldn't have used PPP and instead used the prevailing forex rates, however the PPP number is coming from a source of authority
(for eg: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development stats). Also the application instructions nowhere state to use prevailing forex rates to convert Indian Salary to USD - The application instructions does ask to convert INR salary to USD, but nowhere specifies what conversion factor should one take.
That said, in hindsight, I should have just stuck to forex rates, as what other international students do, but now that it has happened, I am wondering how big a problem that is! and its driving me nuts!
Agree to almost everything you said. Also I am with you on this one that it was an honest mistake - probably you wanted to show that the salary was not as bad as it looks like!
However, said the application was for a M7 MBA Program. Now that is an elite list, and unfortunately for you, in this case you were expected to do your due diligence. Your application should have been flawless and uncontested by anyone.
Immensely happy for you though. I wish you all the best!!