Hi Upadhyay,
I’m glad you reached out, and I’m happy to help. So, instead of trying to become a faster reader when tackling Reading Comprehension passages, you really need to focus on being a more effective reader. Remember, your goal is not necessarily to read fast but rather to read effectively, so that you understand what you’ve just read, right?
To understand what you are reading, you likely have to first slow down (and eventually speed up). You have to learn to comprehend what you read, keep it all straight, and use what you are reading to arrive at correct answers. At this point, your best bet is to focus on getting the correct answers to questions, taking as much time as you need to see key details and understand the logic of what you are reading. If you don't understand something, go back and read it one sentence at a time, even one word at a time, not moving on until you understand what you have just read. There is no way around this work. Your goal should be to take all the time you need to understand exactly what is being said and arrive at the correct answer. If you can learn to get answers taking your time, you can learn to speed up. Answering questions is like any task: The more times you o it carefully and successfully, the faster you become at doing it carefully and successfully.
Another component to understanding what you are reading is being “present” when reading. Don’t worry about how things are going at work, or what you will eat for dinner, or even how long you’re taking to read through the passage. Just focus on what is in front of you, word by word, line by line. Furthermore, try to make reading fun. For example, even if you are reading about a topic that bores you, pretend that you are the person making the argument. By doing so, you will make the passage more relatable to YOU, and ultimately you should be able to read with greater focus.
One final component of Reading Comprehension that may be tripping you up is that RC questions contain one or more trap answers that seem to answer the question but don't really. So, a key part of training to correctly answer RC questions is learning to notice the differences between trap answers and correct answers. You have to learn to see how trap danswers seem to follow from what the passages say, but don't really, while correct answers fit what the passages say exactly. Of course, the better you become at noticing the differences between trap answer choices and correct answers, the faster you will answer RC questions.
If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out.
Good luck!