Restorers say that
if allowed to remove and replace the discolored layer of varnish on the Mona Lisa, the colors Leonardo da Vinci painted nearly five hundred years ago will once again shine through.
A. If
B. if it is
C. if they are
D. when
E. when it is
If ____ then ______
Mike Mc Garry Sir based on the wisdom that you gave me
Clause after If is a Subordinate Clause
Clause after then is an Independent Clause.
In Option A we need a full clause i.e. S-V pair and that is not happening in that option, therefore, Option A is wrong.
Options B & C have a full clause after If, but In option B it doesn't agree in number with the plural subject restorers, thus, C is correct.
P.S. GMAT Prep Question
They have used a split when, can you guide me how is when used in D and E and what is the similarity between If__then__ and when that they have created this split.