Hi all,
I'm posting for the first time here today to share my experience and ask for some advice.
First, a bit on my profile: I'm a french student, bachelor in business and finishing another bachelor in languages currently. I'm trying to get the MiM at HEC or ESCP and am aiming for a 700.
Preparation:I started preparing seriously for the GMAT two weeks ago (doing just that) on average from 9h to 21h, I took a practise test early January with Veritas to see where I would stand before getting deep into it and scored a sad 520 (Q34/V28).
And two weeks ago I started working seriously because it was a time frame where I could get serious about it.
The first days I went through the whole OG16 exercises keeping a log of all the exercices I'd failed. I then bought the Veritas CAT pack (which I recommend for the post-exam reviews which are great) and did a first one where I scored 590 (Q36/V35) which, ironically, is the exact score I got today. I knew that Quant was my weak spot so I worked almost solely on this, reading advice for Verbal here and then and practising it when doing CATS. 3 days later I took another CAT and score 590 again but with a steady increase in quant (Q39/V33). Two days later I did another one and scored 620 (Q40/V36).
At this point I was getting confident that my work was paying off. I created an account on Gmatclub to download some material and was pleasantly surprised to see 3days of EmpowerGMAT offered. I went through the whole video material for the Quant section. Rich is great at explaining concepts in Quant and it also helped me to feel more confident. I took two last Veritas CATs spread apart by 3 days (I know I shouldn't have done them with such little spacing but the deadline for the Gmat was approaching and since I had to send it early to ESCP I thought I might as well use them). And on those 2 I scored 650 twice: Q41/V39 and Q46/V34. I was really happy with my first verbal increase although I hadn't worked on it and with my second Q46 it showed that I was starting to grasp the concepts seriously.
(I don't know why I scored so high on the exams and so low on the real test, to me a 60 point difference is quite huge, what do you guys think? I don't think the Veritas material is to blame but I can see where it's coming from
I also did a LBS Gmat test powered by The Economist I believe and scored a Q48 which really boosted my confidence.
I was thinking that if I performed well on test day I could get around 690-700 (putting my respective Q and V scores together).
Test day:Had quite a bad night before, waking up 3-4 times during the night, my session was at 9AM, I'd trained numerous times in full length for the exam so that wasn't an issue.
During the exam though I felt I was seeing easier than usual questions, which was later sadly confirmed by my score. I just don't know where it went wrong.
So right now I'm pretty demotivated, going to take a brake and get back to working on the GMAT on evenings starting next monday but I don't really see where I should pick up :/
Any advice, recommendations is welcome! I don't really know where to start
I feel that I'm one of those GMAT horror stories