Competition Mode Question
The government has no right to tax earnings from labor. Taxation of this kind requires the laborer to devote a certain percentage of hours worked to earning money for the government. Thus, such taxation forces the laborer to work, in part, for another’s purpose. Since involuntary servitude can be defined as forced work for another’s purpose, just as involuntary servitude is pernicious, so is taxing earnings from labor.
Which one of the following is an error of reasoning committed by the argument?
(A) It ignores a difference in how the idea of forced work for another’s purpose applies to the two cases.
(B) It does not take into account the fact that labor is taxed at different rates depending on income.
(C) It mistakenly assumes that all work is taxed.
(D) It ignores the fact that the government also taxes income from investment.
(E) It treats definitions as if they were matters of subjective opinion rather than objective facts about language.