Competition Mode Question
The prosecutor’s argument, which hinged on a little known provision in a 1972 law, differed considerably from
the plaintiff, who contended that a landmark 1999 Supreme Court decision supported his argument.
(A) the plaintiff
(B) that of the plaintiff
(C) those from the plaintiff
(D) that espoused by the plaintiff
(E) that from the plaintiff
When making a comparison, you must compare like parts (i.e., compare an argument to an argument). You cannot compare unlike parts (i.e., an argument with a person). To correct the issue, we must compare t
he prosecutor’s argument with the plaintiff's argument (i.e., with
that of the plaintiff).
A. the sentence illogically compares unlike parts (i.e., the prosecutor’s argument and the plaintiff)
B. the sentence logically compares the prosecutor’s argument with that of the plaintiff (i.e., with the argument of the plaintiff)
C. the plural those improperly refers to a singular argument when the singular that should be used instead
D. the phrase that espoused by the plaintiff is unduly wordy
E. the word from improperly makes the sentence not parallel (i.e., the argument of the prosecutor is not parallel with the argument from the plaintiff)