What Are My Chances - Evaluate Your Profile!Use this tool to estimate/evaluate your chances of admission into one of the Top 25 MBA programs
The accuracy of this tool depends on the accuracy of your entries/answers - please see below for explanations of some of them
✅ Make sure to expand the
Advanced Parameters to get the highest accuracy
Want to see how successful real essays and resumes look for Admitted Students?You can get them from previously admitted students here:
https://gmatclub.com/mbaappstore/ Inputs & Choices Overview: Background: based on your own judgement, how do you think your background will be perceived by the admissions committee? There are differentiators that make one's profile more or less diverse. For example an Indian male engineer is likely highly over-represented whereas a New Zealand Engineer is likely under-represented and a Military Applicant with Special Forces designation is likely under-represented or Unique in their background. Examples:
- Heavily over-represented: Indian IT Males
- Somewhat over-represented: Indian non IT applicants and SE Asian Applicants
- Average Representation: US and EU Applicants
- Under-represented: South America, Oceania, or African applicants, US Military Applicants
- Unique: you know who you are e.g. Syrian refugees, Tibetans, Spec Ops Operators, Athletes, Performers, and other people with unique background, history, or work experience.
Undergrad Prestige in Your Country: - are there regular applicants to the MBA programs of your choice from your Undergraduate institution?
Age: This is age at the time of matriculation
Work Experience: This is your work experience at the time of matriculation
Reapplicant: If you are a reapplicant with a significant change in your application such as a difference of GMAT score that's 40 points or more AND additional changes such as using help with admissions or meaningful promotion in this application season, please select
NOHow does it work? There is a short and a long version of the tool. You could technically fill out just the GMAT/Background information. In that case, the tool assumes AVERAGE values for all other answers. To get the most precise answers/estimates, please answer every question. We have been working for a few years on a project that has been a brain-child of
souvik101990 and I am glad we are finally at the stage that we can release and share it. Please give it a try and share what you think - appreciate any comments/feedback.
What do you think about this tool? How can we improve?
What is done well?
Does it work for PT, EMBA, Weekend MBA?Not yet. This tool only works for FT MBA Admissions.
Is this tool Perfect?Ha. No. It is based on historical data but it is not perfect for every case. This is likely a case that explains the 80% of data and then has 20% outliers.