After graduating and during my first employment, I used to go hiking/camping most of the weekends. Living in a place that boasts mountains with glacier tops, forests, streams of water and lakes, it was almost impossible not to get hooked in that activity. I usually hiked 1 day trips, but many times 2 day trips, and occasionally 3 day trips. It didn't matter the season, I would enjoy hiking even in the winter time (if I was not snowboarding).
I was relocated and had to find another hobbies. The location was not good for outdoor sports, so I surfed the internet every day reading sport news (mainly tennis and football) and other political/economic news.
After getting married I didn't spend so much time over the internet...
The last two years we were again relocated. There are mountains again, but having a small baby, most of the free time is divided between being pooped/peed as mohater described, and studying for gmat/researching bschool programs.
We do go out to the mountains but only by car, almost no hiking anymore, and for few hours, depending on what the needs of the baby are.
In college time I spent a great deal of time doing any kind of sport such as volleyball, football, jogging, tennis, ping pong, mountain bike, water skiing, besides camping, fishing, and other outdoor activities with my friends.
I rarely watch movies or TV. I never owned a TV, so I watch it only in my relative's or friends'. Not interested in poker or card games either. I'm more attracted to computer games, especially sports/strategy.