We have to find Greatest Factor
In this case , we have to find HCF with remainder
Step 1: Find the Differences of numbers
Step 2: Get the HCF ( that differences)
We have here 3962, 4085 and 4167
So differences are
4167 - 4085 = 82
4167 - 3962 = 205,
4085 - 3962 = 123.
HCF (82, 123 and 205)
82 = 2 x 41
123 = 3 x 41
205 = 5 x 41
HCF = 41.
And 41 is the required number.(source:internet)
Hello Expert,
What is the reason or logic behind subtracting the numbers 3962, 4085 and 4167 among themselves ?
shivamagarwalIn order be left with the same remainder, we must add one or more "steps" between each of the numbers in the question stem such that the size of the steps are all the same. The
number of steps from the first number to the second need not equal the number of steps from the second number to the third, but the
size of each step must be the same. In this case, the distance between 3962 and 4085 is 123 and the distance between 4085 and 4167 is 82. We can therefore take three steps of size 41 to get from 3962 to 4085 and two steps of size 41 to get from 4085 to 4167. Do that help you wrap your head around it?