Competition Mode Question
When three Indian-owned trains purchased from Transcontinental Trains crashed within a two month time period, the Indian parliament ordered the acquisition of three new Transcontinental trains as replacements. This decision surprised many because it is customary for users to shun a product after it is involved in accidents.
Which of the following, if true, provides the best indication that the decision of the Indian government was well supported?
A. Although during the previous year only one transcontinental train crashed, competing manufacturers had a perfect safety record.
B. The Transcontinental-built trains crashed due to sabotage, but because of the excellent quality of the trains, fire was averted increasing the number of survivors.
C. The Indian Railway Commission issued new guidelines for trains in order to standardize safety requirements governing inspections.
D. Consumer advocates pressured two major railway companies into purchasing safer trains so that the public would be safer.
E. Many Transcontinental Train employees had to be replaced because they found jobs with the competition
The best answer is B. If the train crashes were caused by a factor that had nothing to do with the train itself, such as sabotage, and the quality of the train decreased the number of fatalities, then there is good reason to purchase additional trains from Transcontinental.