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GMAT Question of the Day (December 23)

Jeff 0


Metropolis Corporation has 4 shareholders: Fritz, Luis, Alfred and Werner. Number of shares that Fritz owns is \frac{2}{3} of number of the shares of the other three shareholders, number of the shares that Luis owns is \frac{3}{7} of number of the shares of the other three shareholders and number of the shares that Alfred owns is \frac{4}{11} of number of the shares of the other three shareholders. If dividends of $3,600,000 were distributed among the 4 shareholders, how much of this amount did Werner receive?

A. $90,000
B. $100,000
C. $120,000
D. $180,000
E. $240,000


Question Discussion & Explanation
Correct Answer - C- (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)
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Pasteurization of milk is a process by which milk is heated to a certain temperature and then rapidly cooled, killing pathogens and increasing the shelf life of milk. Recently pasteurization has come under fire because it has been found that during pasteurization many helpful digestive enzymes are destroyed, and many dangerous pathogens are not, including the MAP bacterial strain, which is linked to Crohn’s disease. Because of this, some people have started drinking ‘raw milk’--milk that isn’t pasteurized or otherwise processed. Proponents of pasteurization point out that that pasteurization is still necessary to reduce bacterial contamination, and that heating milk at home also kills beneficial digestive enzymes.

Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the raw milk drinkers’ argument?

a)Most pathogenic contamination of milk happens during processing and is not associated with the milk itself.
b)More people reported bacterial illness after drinking pasteurized milk this year than did last year.
c)The digestive enzymes in raw milk have been found to stimulate the growth of biologically beneficial bacteria in the small intestine.
d)Fewer people reported bacterial illness after drinking raw milk this year than in previous years.
e)Because of advances in technology, in five years raw milk will be cheaper to produce than pasteurized milk.

Question Discussion & Explanation

Correct Answer - A - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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