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Question of the Day (June 22)

Jeff 0


If equation |\frac{x}{2}| + |\frac{y}{2}| = 5 encloses a certain region on the coordinate plane, what is the area of this region?

A. 20
B. 50
C. 100
D. 200
E. 400

Question Discussion & Explanation

Correct Answer - D - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)


Due to the highly sensitive nature of their work, all State Department staff members were instructed to store their files on secure servers. 

(A) Due to the highly sensitive nature of their work, all State Department staff members were instructed to store their files on secure servers.

(B) Because diplomatic work was highly sensitive, the State Department’s staff had been instructed to store all files on secure servers.

(C) Whereas diplomatic work was highly sensitive, the State Department’s staff was instructed to store their files on secure servers.

(D) Because of the highly sensitive nature of their work, all State Department staff members were instructed to store their files on secure servers.

(E) The State Department’s staff had been instructed to store their files on secure servers, since their work was highly sensitive.

Question Discussion & Explanation

Correct Answer - D - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)
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