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Question of the Day (October 23)

Jeff 0


The peaks of a mountain range, acting like rocks in a streambed, produce ripples in the air flowing over them; the resulting flow pattern, with crests and troughs that remain stationary although the air that forms them is moving rapidly, are known as "standing waves."

(A) crests and troughs that remain stationary although the air that forms them is moving rapidly, are

(B) crests and troughs that remain stationary although they are formed by rapidly moving air, are

(C) crests and troughs that remain stationary although the air that forms them is moving rapidly, is

(D) stationary crests and troughs although the air that forms them is moving rapidly, are

(E) stationary crests and troughs although they are formed by rapidly moving air, is

Question Discussion & Explanation

Correct Answer - C - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

Bonus RC Question of the Day


If x^2 + 2x -15 = -m, where x is an integer from -10 and 10, inclusive, what is the probability that m is greater than zero?

A. \frac{2}{7}
B. \frac{1}{3}
C. \frac{7}{20}
D. \frac{2}{5}
E. \frac{3}{7}

Question Discussion & Explanation

Correct Answer - B - (click and drag your mouse to see the answer)

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