Hi everyone,
I just took my 3rd attempt at the test this past week after 7 months of studying and ended up with a 620 (Q42 V35). I'm really hoping to break the 700 barrier, and would love some guidance on what I can do to improve.
A bit more background: I took my first attempt last November after 3 months of studying and going through Manhattan's 9-week course. I ended up with a score of 610 (Q45 V28), I really wanted to apply to Round 2 for school so I decided to do it again within a month but this time I tried EMPOWERgmat and went through the
OG. I took the exam again in December and ended up with a 620 (Q44 V32). I decided I needed to take a step back and would not apply to business school in Fall of 2017.
I took a month off in January and then started to hit the books again in February. I studied using the
OG, my
Error Log, and the 494 question-pack from GMAC. I also ended up buying the Official Verbal guide and used those questions in my studying. I was taking practice tests every alternate week up until the test my scores were as follows:
MGMAT: 640 (Q42V36)
MGMAT: 670 (Q46V35)
MGMAT: 660 (Q44V36)
GMATPrep:690 (Q47V38)
I took the last 4 in real testing conditions and 2 of the MGMATs (670 and 660) I took a little longer break in between the sections of those tests. I feel like my weakest link in verbal is SC as it takes me 1.5-2mins sometimes to solve a problem. I feel like I'm pretty good in Quant but my most recent score on the test shocked me.
I'm planning on doing the test again in a month's time and would love some insight from folks on what are the areas I should prioritize and what else I can do to raise my score up to a 700.