Explanation from GMAT FREE, the author.
Reading the question: you're likely to hit cognitive overload while you're practicing and while you sit for the GMAT. That's why it's important to practice with simple methods and focus on ingraining good behaviors in yourself: it's all you can count on when you're tired.Imagine this is such a question: you don't have the energy or patience to strategize and you just read the thing in order. When the adrenaline is pumping, you're going to be fast and linear on some questions. You'll read the prompt, word for word, in order, and then the question stem, and then... Even when you're tired or rushed, pause and try to make a basic relevance filter before you look at the answer choices. Make some sort of guess or form some sort of judgment of what's important before turning to the answer choices.
Creating a filter: let's come up with a shred of our own judgment. In the prompt, everyone's extra day off was Friday before, but now they can choose different days. Will it increase their productivity? It's not about time, since the total time worked is the same. So it has to be about something other than time. It could be about how the work time is used, and we guess whether they all need to be doing it on Monday through Thursday for some reason. With that shred of a prediction, we have a basic relevance filter (or more) to apply to the answer choices and find something that would decrease productivity.
Applying the filter: choice (A) would help their productivity, because there would be fewer people in the office on average on a given day in the new model. So (A) is out. Choice (B) is irrelevant; we have no information about how they are connected with other companies and whether it matters that our employees are in-office or out of office. Choice (C) is irrelevant, due to the word "eventual"; "eventual" implies that it could wait from one week to the next, so the policy wouldn't matter. Choice (D) looks correct, because, under the new policy, employees will be able to choose different days to be in the office from each other, and so they will tend not to be the office simultaneously as often as before. Choice (E) is irrelevant, because the projects take several days. The correct answer is (D).