Please can you help me understand how to tackle such questions which go around study/results of a study? Can you kindly explain why is A not correct and how come E?
One way to weaken the conclusion is to show that there are people who spend 6+ hrs on a computer yet they manage to sleep without troubles. So A indicates the same I thought.
Thanks in advance!
havehope. To answer your first question, I would recommend you check out
GMAT Ninja's CR Guide for Beginners if you have not already. The passage or question type is not nearly as important as developing a reliable method to break down whatever the test throws in front of you.
A. Some adults who spent more than 6 hours per day working on a computer had fewer problems falling asleep than others in the same group.
A major problem with this particular response is that
some adults within one group are compared to
others in the same group, rather than to those in the other group. The conclusion is based on comparing the experimental results from the two different groups, which we can call the three-hour group and the six-hour group. Comparing sixes to other sixes does nothing to advance or challenge the conclusion. It is not as though every member of a group must exhibit the same sleeping behavior. You should also, in general, be wary of the qualifying word
some, which can mean just two. The word often appears in otherwise reasonable answers as a way of sidetracking the test-taker.
E. Many of the adults in the second group had problems falling asleep before the study began.
The second group is the six-hour group. If these people suffered beforehand from the very
problems that the experiment was designed to study, then the arrow of causality is unclear. That is, perhaps the sixes were predisposed to, say, insomnia, and the fact that they worked on a computer for 6 hours a day or more had little or nothing to do with the research findings. This is one type of weakener, not the only one that could work here, but it is the best option of the five presented.
Perhaps the question makes more sense now. Good luck with your studies.
- Andrew