We can prime factor 544 to 2*2*2*2*2*17. And we can find all the
factors of 544 by considering every way the
prime factors can be combined. So:
17*2*2*2*2*2=544 (Disregard, since the question stem tells us to)
(We can also think of the factor of 1 as the case in which we don't choose any of the PFs, but we disregard that here since the question stem tells us to)
So we have:
2+4+8+16+32+17+34+68+136+272 = 589
(There are lots of ways to do the addition. Looking for shortcuts, I first saw that the sum would be odd since there was only one odd number in our list. Sadly, this only eliminated one answer. Then I just added up the units digits to find that our sum would end in 9. Sadly, this just eliminated one more answer. Then I added them up out of order, something like this:
(2+8) + (16+4) + (32+68) + (34+136) + 272 + 17=
10 + 20 + 100 + 170 + 272 + 17 =
300 + 272 + 17 = 589
For this question, I think it might have been faster just to add them up the conventional way, but the odd/even trick and the last digit trick often pay off on such questions. Perhaps a combination of estimation and the last digit trick would have been fastest here.)
For more on the logic behind finding all the factors of a number see this video: