Congratulations on your terrific score,
I have few questions for you;
1) What was your English level before you started GMAT, were you acquainted with grammar?
2) To tackle the RC passages, were you able to understand complex passages with unfamiliar sentence structure and complex vocabulary?
3) Did you do any additional reading per day to beef up your reading (e.g. reading an English book or an article with a similar language to that of GMAT)?
4) How many mocks did you take? What were the mock companies (e.g Veritas,
MGMAT etc..)?
5) How many hours did you study per day or week?
6) How did you find real GMAT exam questions compared to your mocks? Which company apart from
OG gives you the best examples?
7) Also would you please share your journey/strategy when studying for gmat to come to 740?
Thank you