There have been one or two test takers with no wrong answers who have gotten V50 scores, not V48 scores (or at least not that I've seen, and that seems extremely unlike to me). On appeal, GMAC revised the scores upwards to V51. You can understand why this could happen - if a test taker gets every question right, the algorithm can be very confident the test taker is above a certain level, but can't say exactly how far above. If a test doesn't contain a lot of extremely hard questions, then with entirely correct answers, the test might only be nearly certain the test taker is at least a V50, but might not have enough information to be confident the test taker is a V51. But it's not the test taker's fault her test did not contain enough hard questions, so it makes sense they'd revise those scores to V51. The test isn't really designed to distinguish between test takers at those levels anyway, since anyone at that level is miles above the level of the test in general.
If you have only two wrong answers in Verbal, most of the time you'd expect a V47-V48 score. If you only got a V44, then the two wrong answers must have been on easier questions (and it might also be true that your test was a bit easier than normal overall, so your right answers didn't demonstrate quite as high an ability level as on a normal test). On the real test, you'll likely see more hard questions than on some of the diagnostic tests, and if you only get two questions wrong, you'll probably get at least a V46.
Manual intervention is an extremely unusual case. Usually GMAC (and other test agencies) publish their findings in research papers. I wonder if this was the case here.
Although I understand the direction of the quoted argument above, it may not be entirely accurate.
It is understood that a test which is designed to measure abilities of a large number of test takers, most of whom will fall within a few standard deviations of a mean score, may not be accurate with scoring at the edges - i.e., extremely low or high scores. This is fundamentally due to the fact that the algorithm may not possess sufficient data in those regions to make accurate estimates.
In these cases, researchers usually assign an arbitrary value, say V51 or V(some extreme number) to denote the extreme upper value. This is done with the caveat that the range of confidence of this value is quite large, i.e., the value is less certain. An assignment of an arbitrary value is not generally an issue here because we the test is designed to measure abilities within broader (lower) ranges.
Researchers will not generally go in after-the-fact and manually assign a new value to the upper score. Such post-hoc tweaking of data is discouraged.
I would be interested in seeing an actual GMAC research paper that more fully described the events. Generally, the test agencies will proactively publish such reports to head off any concerns that may arise over their actions.
The situation favored the testtaker who had the time, money and sense to request a review upon which the agency changed their score. Some other testtakers might not be so fortunate.
In my view, this is a highly unusual occurrence.