My comments and suggestions, specially to bb if you are reading this.
1. The timer at the top of the questions is great idea. Brilliant.
2. I have downloaded GMAT Toolkit into my iPhone.
This is just amazing way to keep in touch with you study plan/preparation all the time.
I am not able to use my travel time to and fro from work to study using my phone.
The lessons has been designed very nicely and cosmetic effect is very appealing.
Applications ability to scan CR and SC questions and then add to your question bank is great.
Creators of this tool, i bow to you and you get 4/5 from me.
Suggestions for the GMAT Toolkit
1. Besides SC and CR, can the tool also have the PS, DS scan as well please??
It will be great help.
2. Can we have the options in 'setting' to scan and download a certain difficulty of questions or
after affter download only work on a certain difficulty of questions.
(By Difficulty is mean 600-700 or 700-800 level question)
This will help greatly by targeting your need and gradually progressing to next difficulty level.
3. Can we have option to categorise the Work Set if needed. Categories into PS,DS,CR,SC
NOTE : If any of the features are already there and i am not aware then excuse me and teach me please.
I did not mention RC here as i realise it might be difficult for users to read it on the phone.
Hi Chauhan2011,
Thanks for feedback, ideas and warm words!
1. PS,DS - The only one reason that prevent me from adding these types of questions is formulas. Unfortunately, it is not clear now what to do with formulas that represented by code like this \frac{a+b}{c+d} and rendered by special LaTeX software on the server side... at the same time saving them as images is too complex... Maybe the best temporary solution to make it possible is transforming LaTeX code to simple expressions, for example, \(\frac{a+b}{c+d}\) or \frac{a+b}{c+d} will be (a+b)/(c+d)... What do you think?
2. Great idea! Let me think how we can implement it.
3. It is exactly what we are trying to do now. There are some technical difficulties but I'm sure we will overcome them.
Thanks again!