To all my fellow students and masters,
I have been dedicating a large part of my spare time (and life!!) over the last 2 months (Sep 2016 now) preparing for the GMAT. I have done over 200+ hours of studying since the beginning of July and my score is pretty much at the exact same place as it was when I first decided to study for the exam. (which was last Dec 2015.)
As you can see from below, my test results are largely unchanged and hovers around 640 score.
My study strategy has been as follows:
Prior to my Jan 2016 attempt: (prep time 1 month)
Kaplan Premier
OGGmat Prep Free
27 December Kaplan Test: 640 Q46 V32
29 Dec 2015 Gmat prep Test 1: 630 Q47 V30
05 Jan 2016 Gmat prep Test 2: 640 Q48 V31
Actual GMAT: 640 Q49 V28
Material used:
Manhattan GMAT SC strategy guide.
Was devastated but reported the scores anyways. (perhaps I shouldn't have)
Due to a job change , and flying around for interviews I couldn't immediately take the test. So I joined a new job in Mar 2016 and was very busy proving myself at this job for a while and couldn't consistently focus on GMAT. After 9 July 2016 I made a stern decision to prepare for GMAT at least 2 months and give my best.
I consistently prepared with 3 hours every day after work and at least 5 hours on weekends. I had a couple of cheat days once in 2 weeks.
Based on the previous ESR i decided SC is the weak point and added the following resources to my list.
Kaplan 800
Kaplan verbal & math workbook (found it too basic and easy so stopped half way)
Official Guide Verbal review
GMAT prep paid extra questions
Powerscore CR
Manhattan GMAT SC strategy
I exhausted almost all practice questions & had a consistent 80-85% accuracy in practice (SC, CR) and 50-70% in RC in hard questions on GMAT prep. Medium & easy were a consistent 85-90% on SC,CR) and 70% in RC.
Took the GMATprep test again on 1 Sep 2016 and scored 650 Q48 and V 32.
(Incorrect questions break down below
Quant: 16 incorrect
Problem solving: 4
Data Sufficiency: 12
Verbal: 12 incorrect
SC 4
RC 5
CR 3
I realised my weakness is DS and RC so practiced all the Hard and medium question in GMAT prep with about 80% accuracy and then proceeded to take my GMAT.
I didn't want to take too many practice test as I read everywhere that practice test don't really mean much and that I must practice questions in timed manner (which i did)
(Please note all my practice has been timed and all my question were well under 2 mins)
05 Sep 2016 Actual GMAT 2nd attempt: 620 Q48 V28
One factor during test that i can say affected my ability was I took an extra minute and a half longer break prior to my verbal. So i panicked kept looking at the time and rushed through a few initial questions to catch up on lost time clearly knowing the importance of this part. Nevertheless i ended finish verbal 2 mins early.
As soon as I looked at the score in hit my self in the head (not literally) and without any second thoughts cancelled my score.
What I do have now is
5 more practice test from Kaplan
6 Practice tests from
MGMAT1 more test from GMAT prep (yet to re-take) ( i don't mind buying the exam pack as well)
I would like to have a clear plan of attack for the next 1 month so I can get at least get 700+ on my GMAT. I know it is easier said than done, but I am prepared to put the work if I have plan and resources. I don't want to take a break i want to top off my existing preparations and be better armed for my next attempt.
I need to know what material to use (whether i need more) and I need to better identify my weaknesses in the smallest detail. Also should I try attempting the 12 practice tests (or at least some of it? what is the recommended number at this stage). How many do hours I need to spend a week, so by early/mid October 2016 ( the earliest available GMAT test date in my city) I can take my GMAT again and consistently score above 700 in prep tests prior to it.
On another note, I am quite intrigued by the
e-gmat success stories but at the same I am quite skeptical about these stories as most of it tend look like it is done for marketing purposes with perfectly worded success stories. I may be wrong on this as it really does say all the right words and exactly what I want to hear but still I am not sure what other options I have at this point. And If I do go this way what
e-GMAT plan should I be buying and if there are any discounts on this etc..
I thank you all for sharing such amazing instructions and stories. My journey has so far been much easier with all the discussions and testimonies on the forum and I do plan to share my story again once it becomes a success.