Hi evelazq,
First off, raising a 380 to a 580 in 2 months is a significant improvement - and it shows that you have to capacity to gain (and use) knowledge. You're going to find that the next jump up in score will be a bit more challenging and will almost certainly require that you shift your focus from gaining knowledge to practicing Tactics and learning patterns. Before I can offer you the specific advice that you’re looking for, it would help if you could provide a bit more information on how you've been studying and your goals:
1) How long have you studied exactly?
2) What materials have you used?
3) How have you scored on each of your CATs (including the Quant and Verbal Scaled Scores for each)?
4) Did you take the FULL CAT each time (including the Essay and IR sections)?
5) What is your new Official GMAT Test Date?
6) When are you planning to apply to Business School?
7) What Schools are you planning to apply to?
GMAT assassins aren't born, they're made,
Hello, thanks for your reply, as for your questions i answer:
1) I have studied 1 month oart time, without much focus, basically reviewing the
MGMAT books and last month I studied full time 6-8 hours daily, one day break.
2)Materials have been
MGMAT books and
OG 13th edition
1st Kaplan Mid October 380 (Q16 ,V26) (Without any study and knowing 0 about GMAT and data suff.)
2nd MGMAT December 22 520 (Q33, V30) (After reviewing 90% of
MGMAT books)
3rd MGMAT January 3 580 (Q38, V31) ( Practicing with
OG 13th)
4) Yes, i have done every mock with AWA & IR
5) My exam is in April 12
6) Applying for Jan '18 Sept '18
7) Schools : SDA Bocconi, HEC Paris, LSB, IE Business School
Thanks for your help