Hi everyone, i'm an undergraduate from Portugal and i'm aiming to pursue a Master in Finance at ESADE Business School but I'm struggling a bit because I don't know if I really have any chances even with a good GMAT (I'm looking to have 700+, I will
), so please, if you could say something about my profile, give any advice or opinion, anything would help at this moment. I did alot of research, inclusive here and other websites, foruns etc, but I do really want to share my specific case to meet your advices regarding my own profile and not others which seem to have some similarity with mine, and of course, do my first post here and join the community
My profile:
BSc degree from a accredited university : ISCTE Business School GPA: 14/20, not the best school from Portugal, but one of the top 5.
Profissional experience:
- One month intership at a small Engineering Consulting firm where my main tasks where related with reunion support to my supervisor, and learning some basic concepts of the industry. Also i'v been at a reunion where they discussed an M&A activity from one of the partners firms (I guess it was the most related field in which I was able to be experiencing that is related with my future goals.
- Recently started an Intership of 4 months at Millennium BCP, the biggest private bank in Portugal, however, my functions are related with Direct Banking and client support, which I dont know if it has the same value as an intership specifically in the area of Finance (Corporate Finance, Investment Banking), I presume that not.
I have no International experience, since I'm already out of my parents house (I'm from Madeira Island and moved to Lisbon to pursue my undergraduate degree in a better university than the one from the Island. I know it's not an excuse but doing erasmus requires money and also I dind't had the mentality I have now when I was pursuing my UG degree, as you can see, my GPA is not a strong point, and also I didn't think to much about my carreer during that time ( I do regret
Finally, I want to apply for the 2016 Intake
, so I would be able to apply at the first round and have more chances and I want to know what you guys think about my situation, please do not judge me and I hope the post is OK
cause I don't want to mess with the forum.
Thanks in advance for your attention,