If 5a=9b=15c, what is the value of a+b+c?
(1) 3c-a=5c-3b
(2) 6cb=10a
When you modify the original condition and the question, divide 5a=9b=15c with 45. You get a/9=b/5=c/3 and suppose it k. That is, a/9=b/5=c/3=k and from a=9k, b=5k, c=3k, there are 4 variables(a,b,c,k) and 3 equations(a=9k, b=5k, c=3k), which should match with the number of equations. So you need 1 more equation. For 1) 1 equation, for 2) 1 equation, which is likely to make D the answer.
In 1), when substituting a,b,c, it becomes 3(3k)-9k=5(3k)-3(5k) and 0=0, which is satisfied with all k. So it is not unique and therefore not sufficient.
In 2) when substituting a,b,c, it becomes 6(3k)(5k)=10(9k) and k^2=k, k(k-1)=0, k=0,1 where the value of k is not unique and therefore not sufficient.
Even in 1) & 2), 1) k=all numbers 2) k=0,1, which is not unique and not sufficient. Therefore the answer is E.
-> For cases where we need 1 more equation, such as original conditions with “1 variable”, or “2 variables and 1 equation”, or “3 variables and 2 equations”, we have 1 equation each in both 1) and 2). Therefore, there is 59 % chance that D is the answer, while A or B has 38% chance and C or E has 3% chance. Since D is most likely to be the answer using 1) and 2) separately according to DS definition. Obviously there may be cases where the answer is A, B, C or E.