My test is on Sunday and I have scored a 650 today. This was my fourth official mock. I scored
710- V38 Q49
720- V38 Q49
730-V40 Q49
650-V32 Q47
All tests were taken in a 6-7 day gap.
Idk what happened in this one
I’m shattered. Idk what to do now
Please help
Eksha22. I agree with Ashish above. (I am not sure why that other poster suggested getting an ESR, since you are clearly talking about mock tests.) At this point in your preparation, there is little to gain by putting yourself through another mock or by hitting the books excessively. To be honest, you made a rookie mistake, taking a mock so close to your test date and, by your own admission, ruining your momentum with a lower-than-expected score. But we all make mistakes. Heck,
one of my lengthiest and most popular posts was on common GMAT™ preparation mistakes, drawn from those I made myself and subsequently observed in others.
What I would recommend is light review today and maybe tomorrow. See if you can identify what went wrong in a few of those questions from your recent mock so that you can set your mind at ease again. Nerves alone can produce a 50-100-point swing like the one you saw. Acknowledge that it did happen, then do your best, through a little review, to calm your nerves so that it does not happen the next time. And the day before the exam, you want to spend as little time thinking about the test as possible. If you can, go into your test with the mindset that it is just another trial run. The results that follow will probably be much more in line with those from your first three mocks.
Good luck. I hope to hear your success story in another few days.
- Andrew