Laura sells encyclopaedias, and her monthly income has two components, a fixed component of $1000, and a variable component of $C for each set of encyclopaedias that she sells in that month over a sales target of n sets, where n>0. How much did she earn in March?
(1) If Laura had sold three fewer sets in March, her income for that month would have been $600 lower than it was.
(2) If Laura had sold 10 sets of encyclopaedias in March, her income for that month would have been over $4000.
This is very good question, +1. And I think answer is not E, it's C.
Laura's income \(I=1000+c(s-n)\), where \(s\) is number of sets she sold and \(n\) is target number (\(s-n\leq{0}\) --> \(I=1000\)).
(1) Three cases:
\(s-n=1\) --> \(c=600\) (surplus of 600$ was generated by 1 set);
\(s-n=2\) --> \(c=300\) (surplus of 600$ was generated by 2 set);
\(s-n\geq3\) --> \(c=200\) (surplus of 600$ was generated by 3 set).
If \(s-n\) equals to 1, 2, or 3, then income for March will be 1600$, BUT if \(s-n>3\), then income will be more then 1600. Or another way: if we knew that c=300 or 600, then we couldd definitely say that \(I=1600\) BUT if \(c=200\), then \(I=1600\) (for \(s-n=3\))
or more (for \(s-n>3\)). Not sufficient.
(2) \(1000+c(10-n)>4000\) --> \(c>\frac{3000}{10-n}\) --> \(0<n<10\) --> as the lowest value of \(n=1\), then \(c>333.(3)\). Not sufficient.
(1)+(2) as from (2) \(c>333.(3)\), then from (1) \(c=600\) --> \(I=1600\). Sufficient.
Answer: C.