EMPOWERgmatRichCThank you for your reply,
I studied for at least 5 hrs daily ( includes watching gmat Videos, practice quizzes, reviewing topics such as pronouns, subject verb agreement and questions related to it. I had online version of gmat
og where you can customize your quizzes according to hardness levels, and topics.
I gave most of my time practicing hard and medium questions in verbal.)
And I took 1 cat every 8 to 9days ( for 1st month), but couldn't complete it in 1 sitting.
On last 15 days I did cat on daily basis.
My score average of all tests: quant: most of the times >= 49,verbal avg: 22, overall score: 640
The problem with the adaptive mocks was I wasn't able to see hard questions 700 level, because I used to mistakes on medium level questions.
But in my customizable quizzes( not adaptive algorithm), I used to score 60 to 70 % correct in hard question.
My problem was I spent lot of time in first 10 questions, then become nervous and hurry up which I eventually screw up.
My goals:
My target score is above 720,i am planning to apply 23 winter, or this fall(who have waived off gamt) to bschools.
Top 100 Bschools in USA, mostly in Michigan, Colorado, Illinois, California, new Jersey, new York, rhode Island, Virginia and massachusetts.
And top 10 schools in Canada mostly in Toronto and bc.
I am intrested in mba and masters stem designated programs.
Thank you for your time.
Posted from my mobile device