I have more than 6 years of work exp.But have struggled to get a foothold in my industry ,so I have appeared for CAT before ,percentile was not upto the mark.I have decided to quit my job and prepare myself solely for GMAT but whatever I know is that premier colleges of India wont entertain gaps in work ex.In that case what are the options that I have which I can do to showcase that I was doing something meaningful and will that experience add upto my work ex.I will welcome any suggestion
Hello djoking,
My two cents on your case.
1. It would be great if you can let us know a little bit more about your experience. It's ok to take breaks, as long as you can showcase you used that time to do something constructive.
For example - if you are a digital marketer you can focus on helping startups with their marketing.
If you are an IT engineer - If you could help an NGO build a system/website / or market them.
Basically do something where you can use your existing skills.
2. The most important aspect to address when you take breaks is your employability. B-schools want to make sure you have the skills to get a job post your MBA.
If you can highlight this aspect you should be ok.
3. Focus on a very good GMAT Score. Say you manage a 720+ on your GMAT and can put in a good application, showcase your strengths and employability.
You have a good chance in good schools too.
Hope this helps,