Hi All,
I have been following gmatclub for a while now. I'd like to start off by saying a big thank you for helping me score a 730 in GMAT.
Could you please help me review my profile:
Age - 27
Work Ex: 5 years 5 months
Company - Australian Investment Bank
Role - was part of Project Management for 1 year ( part of global roll out project). 4 years in back end finance Asset Management.
Promotion - Promoted Twice from a trainee to a Senior Associate
GMAT - 730 Q 50 V 38 IR 5
Notable points/ extra curricular: Helped saved 500 Hrs to the company by automating certain processes, have taken various time saving projects, Won Badminton and Squash organised consecutively for 2 years during foundation week, State Level Tennis Player, Father in the army, so have been all over - won various squash, golf tournaments in the army under 18. Regular practitioner of BJJ and Krav Maga, Associated with NGO for a year.
I am extremely keen to apply to INSEAD, Judge Business School, NUS, Rotman, Kellogg (1 Year).
I'll be extremely thankful if you could please suggest/ advice if i need to work on anything else. Plan on applying to INSEAD in Apr 20 for Jan 21 intake.
Planning to take either German/ Spanish as a third language.
Indian at the prime of the MBA age with the exact amount of work experience needed, international even more so.
Active in sports and social service with a stellar 730.
I don't understand why you're not aiming for the top B-schools with this. The right kind of consultant and you'd be in Harvard. Send your profile to Sandy Kriesberg. Tell him You want to go to Harvard and can they work with this or what are your options. You can find him on hbsguru.com
There are others such as
Applicant Lab,
MBAmission, Empower, Jamboree,
Aringo, but given your profile, you're an ivy material