I took the GMAT without much studying and scored a 650(V40 Q39). This is a very uneven split, but I have a background that may make up for the lower quant score. I graduated undergrad with a 3.43/4.00 in civil engineering. Additionally, I have 3 years of work experience as a consulting engineer. I am looking at schools with average GMAT scores between 680-700 (Emory, Duke, Vandy, UNC). Would it be worth while to focus on studying and hopefully increase my score or spend more time focusing on my application?
Thank you!
Since you say that you did not study a lot it sounds like you could definitely do better, so I would say: yes, there is no question that you need to retake, and be better prepared this time! Otherwise, you could very well regret applying too soon, before really giving the test your all.
So given the schools you are looking at I would not hesitate at all to retake if I were you, and keep in mind that you might even surprise yourself by getting something much higher than you think right now and that could open up a lot of new opportunities for you school-wise.