I am also applying for msc finance at sse. I actually already submitted my application yesterday. But my chances are very slime since I screwed up the verbal part of the gmat, 610 (Q45, V29) My last hope is that they focus on the quant score.
What are your backgrounds?
I am also wondering if the chances of acceptance are higher if you apply until november 15th?!
Do you know If I could re-apply in the second round if I retook the gmat in december?
Not so relevant background, 27.6/30 in best italian business school (Bocconi), good results in sports and private lessons to earn a few money!
I don't know if there are more chances to be admitted in the first session but I'm sure (since I asked them) you can apply also for the second session with a better gmat!
I will complete my application in these days, I hope to get in!!
I think you'll have a good shot. whats your overall gmat score? I am really hoping that a higher quant score could make up for a lower overall score.
The only problem is, even if you can apply for the second round, that they release the results only before christmas, so you'd probably only have about 3 weeks to retake the gmat