You roughly have 2 weeks left till the exam.
In fact, studying GMAT math with the conventional method, it takes ages to improve a score since GMAT math is a logic test. Once you fully understand the logic of the exam, you can surely improve your score in a short period of time. From our course, we introduce unique Variable approach for DS and IVY approach for PS. With the approaches, you can definitely boost the score once you fully understand and master the approaches.
If we may briefly introduce our approaches, you can significantly save time, and will have 10 minutes to spare on exam. For instance, with our approaches, you can solve questions that normally take 4 minutes in 1 minutes and 30 seconds, and 2-minute question in 30 seconds. In addition, you can solve DS questions 100% with Variable approach and 30-40% of PS questions with IVY approach.
Until the exam, we would like to highly recommend for you to focus on DS as a DS is a quick win. Plus, please study the KEY questions(Integer, statistics, probability, inequality, absolute value) as they basically complete 80% of your study.
Additionally, below are two useful articles featured in GMAT Club for your reference. This will be helpful for you. You can see what sort of questions you might encounter on actual GMAT.
· Ultimate Q51 Guide :
the-ultimate-q51-guide-209801.html· Most Updated Math Trend :
overview-of-gmat-math-question-types-and-patterns-on-the-gmat-211809.htmlIf you're interested, please come visit our website,
Also, please send us an email any time if you have any query at
info@mathrevolution.comHappy Studying!
Math Revolution