The Pomo are a people who are native to Northern California and who are known for their intricate basket designs and elaborate weaving skills.
I decided to test you on diction and rhetorical construction.
Reading an explanation of what
diction and
rhetorical construction are different from having to analyze those two concepts on the merits in a real question.
You did well.
A) The Pomo are a people who are native to Northern California and who are known for their intricate basket designs and elaborate weaving skills.
• Stylistically, this sentence is a hot mess.
who does not need to be repeated
-- I know that the Pomo "are a people" from the rest of the sentence.
-- I think Captain Obvious struck one too many times.
-- option A is grammatical.
-- leave style choices until the end of analysis.
B) Native to Northern California, the Pomo are famous for their intricate basket design and elaborate weaving skill.
-- Hmm. Nothing truly ungrammatical here, either.
-- Something about "design" and "skill" in the singular bothers me.
C) Native to Northern California and known for their intricate basket designs, the Pomo are a people with elaborate weaving skills.
-- This sentence emphasizes the Pomo's weaving skills. I doubt that the skills are the focal point; this sentence merely sketches a group of people.
-- Stylistically inferior to option B
Eliminate C
D) Native to Northern California, the Pomo are famous for their intricate basket designs and elaborate weaving skills.
-- Looks better than A, B, or C
-- gets rid of the extra phrase "a people who" and doesn't end weight the sentence with only weaving skills.
E) The Pomo are [what] to Northern California and are famous for their intricate basket designing and elaborate weaving skills.
• the word "native" is missing; the sentence is not grammatical.
FURTHER ANALYSISMy sense is that (D) is the best answer. I compare in order to decide.
• Option D vs. option A?Option D is better: fewer words, similar language, and same message.
(Wow, option A is really long.)
Eliminate A
• Option B vs. DThese two are almost identical.
It's better to use plural descriptors (designs, skills) to talk about the group's talents.
hero_with_1000_faces , your instincts on this issue were good.
A group of people doesn't have just one design or one skill.
Option D is best.COMMENTSJust one thing: Kudos to all.