Trenchard Boulevard begins at Ocean Street and runs directly east for 3 miles until it ends when it meets Bay Street. Trenchard Boulevard is intersected exactly every tenth of a mile by a perpendicular street, and each of those streets other than Ocean Street and Bay Street is given a number beginning at 1st Street (one block east of Ocean Street) and continuing consecutively (2nd Street, 3rd Street, etc.) until the highest-numbered street one block west of Bay Street. What is the highest-numbered street that intersects Trenchard Boulevard?
A. 28th Street
B. 29th Street
C. 30th Street
D. 31st Street
E. 32nd Street
Kudos for a correct solution.
VERITAS PREP OFFICIAL SOLUTION:Because there are intersections every tenth of a mile, and because Trenchard Boulevard is 3 miles long, there are 30 increments of 0.1 miles that divide Trenchard Boulevard. This means that there are 31 total intersections (perhaps difficult to visualize with 30 such increments, but look at a similar map with 2 increments:
there are three intersections to divide two sections with borders on each side, so you should see that you need to add one to the number of increments).
But since Bay and Ocean already have non-numbered names, 2 of the 31 intersections do not bear numerical names, so only 29 streets, 1st through 29th, fit the criteria. Therefore the highest-numbered street is 29th.