For verbal, should I stick official questions or should I solve other GMAT sources questions also?
Great question,
lakshya14. I suggest you treat official questions like gold, as a precious commodity that you do not want to waste. Too many students make the mistake of buying an
OG and blowing through x questions a day until they have exhausted the thing, then coming to the realization that they really did not make too much progress, and now they need more questions. To be clear, I think it is fine to practice third-party questions: GMAT Club offers plenty from multiple sources. However, I think it is
vital to center your studies on official questions. They have a certain feel to them, and since GMAC™ does not license official questions to anyone else, third parties can only approximate GMAT™ questions to avoid legal proceedings. If you want to learn grammar from
e-GMAT, go ahead; practice a couple problems from a Princeton Review book you got at the library, fine; but treat those resources as theory-builders, and treat official questions as opportunities to prove what you have learned elsewhere.
You should also check out the beginners' guides series for Verbal by
GMATNinja. You can start with the Reading Comprehension guide,
here. Happy reading. And if you have further questions, feel free to ask, either here or elsewhere. This is a community that would like to help you succeed.
Good luck with your studies.
- Andrew