this forum is full of good quality free material. @
e-gmat offers free videos on their website, you can check those, register for their free webinars particularly one on meaning based approach for SC. Start solving sc questions and check the solutions on gmatclub or other trustworthy discussion boards...if you type an
og question out you will surely get a good discussion on it. Post your doubts on the relevant thread. There are plenty of great moderators over here and you will surely get the help you want.
As for RC and CR, these are my approaches:
types of cr questions:
https://www.kaptest.com/blog/business-sc ... questions/
check this post everything significant that you need to know while attempting a cr question:
https://gmatclub.com/forum/e-gmat-s-all ... 68945.html, but before that use the below mentioned technique.
you can use the following technique while solving questions: Picture one person who you really enjoy disagreeing with, or simply someone you listen to with a lot of disapproval, the kind you want to prove wrong. Whenever you attempt a question, think that the CR prompt is being spoken by this person. When you do this, apart from grabbing your full attention, you will also be able to instantly find faults in the said person's argument. After that, read the question and pre-think the answer without checking the options, you will be able to eliminate answers more easily and this should also help in spotting the correct answer.
check this
magoosh article to understand different rc question types:
https://magoosh.com/gmat/2016/strategie ... ion-types/
try to understand the big picture of each passage. summarize every paragraph in a sentence or two, reword it in your head in a language you're most comfortable with(in case you're a non native). then summarize each of these 1-2 line paragraph summaries, into 1-2 sentence passage summary- this is the big idea/primary message of the passage.
observe shifts in tone of the author, and note them down or anything that the author stresses in the passage.
if you want to really improve your rc skills-practice these lsat questions (25 questions in one set to be solved in 35 mins) link:
https://gmatclub.com/forum/best-compila ... 06729.html
the above is an excerpt from my post on how to spend wisely on the gmat:https://gmatclub.com/forum/how-to-buy-gmat-material-wisely-tag-free-gmat-resources-236174.html