I am afraid the group of people you are targeting is so small that it may be pretty hard to reach them, esp since they are so swamped but maybe....
My guess is that the choice will depend on your location in part and you don't want to be flying in/out of O'Hare since Southwest or Delta out of Midway is easier, cheaper, and more reliable or if you have a 4-wheel drive option on your car. However, flights really suck on Sat night. There is only 1 flight from
Chicago to DTW after 7 PM on Sat. Seems it is barren so you will likely have to stay Sat night or Drive/train if you want to come back Sat night. Last Wolverine train is out at 6pm from Chicago and gets in at midnight. It is cheaper than driving but you can't go out to drinks with classmates unless you stay overnight and you probably don't want to really drive if you do go out. Tough logistics.
P.S. It will somewhat detract from the experience of the MBA for you being in Detroit since you won't be able to network, participate in team meetings or other opportunities as easily. Traveling every Friday and Saturday will get old after a year, so make sure you have the resolve to see this through. How long do you expect to have to attend? The website says you can graduate in as little as a year, but I kind of highly doubt that claim. The traditional schedule is around 3 years for PT/Weekend program.